The Ludwig-Maximilians-University

The Ludwig Maximilians University is known throughout Europe as a renowned educational institution rich in tradition. As one of the oldest and largest universities in Germany (founded in 1472), it is currently allowed to adorn itself with the title of “Elite University”. The focus is also on research and the university’s extensive library system.

Project background

The librarianship of the Ludwig Maximilians University includes the University Library (UB) and the Bavarian State Library. So all together there are well over 5 million objects in the care of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. In order to implement a digitization program that would firstly make the extensive inventory accessible to students through self-service and secondly be sustainable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly, the LMU looked for a suitable solution by tendering.

Book2Net Action

In order to implement the digitization program of the Ludwig Maximilians University as planned, book2net began in 2009 with the installation of several self-service scanners from the Public and Spirit series. More than 40 of these devices can now be found in the faculties and libraries of the LMU and help students there to digitize books independently.

So far, hardly any maintenance work has been necessary, although the number of scans generated by some devices now exceeds five million. The first ten systems from 2009 are still in continuous use. Reliability and durability of the devices, as well as mutual trust, is the b asis of our long-term partnership.


In total, 17 “Lizards” and two “Dragons” were delivered to Poland’s National library and set up in April 2018. All are in frequent use ever since to achieve the goals of the Patrimonium Project.

book2net remains happy to have contributed its share in digitizing unique and precious objects for the use of the Polish public and guaranteeing further preservation of the objects for future research!

Book2Net ‘s intention is to develop practice-orientated book scanning solutions for the use in archives, libraries and museums by covering hardware, software and services. The book2net focuses on the requirements and needs of the end users of the digitization equipment. These needs are reviewed and incorporated into the development and ultimate design of our scanning solutions.